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PLRRA conservation efforts


Being a recognised nature sanctuary, at the Lakes Resort landowners have obligations to maintain an animal and plant pest control programme. Each landowner has a covenant on their property to this effect with trapping done through the Association due to the financial and outcome benefits of a co-ordinated approached, rather than on an individual basis.  

Since 2019 there has been an increased effort made for trapping animal pests which has been hugely successful. The endangered wildlife living at the Lakes has resulted in the Association receiving grants to assist with the purchase of traps, including private and business donations supporting conservation initiatives. Between April 2020 - July 2022, 3,700 animal pests have been trapped in the area and there has been a significant increase in wildlife, with increasing species and numbers of New Zealand native fauna making the Lakes their home.

•  In the last three years, the NZ Dab Chicks population at the Lakes has gone from zero to eight. These are an at risk native bird specifies that was in decline. This is a huge success for a native species and is a direct result of the trapping program.

•  As part of a Regional Kiwi Count Survey in 2022, two sites at the Lakes identified Kiwi bird calls.

•  In 2022 7 pairs of NZ Dotterel (14 birds) call the Lakes their home. The Lakes is the only situation where this species is living and successfully breeding in an inland habitat.

There is currently planting of selected areas underway with native plants to support native fauna with habitat; including a butterfly grove. Many residents have devoted time, energy, plants and other conservation donations (ie dotterel nest protectors) to help make the Lakes even more beautiful and attractive to native species of wildlife. 

In addition to the Lakes Resort Residents Association Facebook page, a separate page titled Pauanui Lakes Resort and Duck Creek Page is a space where residents and other people within the Lakes catchment and wider Pauanui area share conservation news and info; including stunning local wildlife photos.  

Lakes Resort Residents Association Facebook page -

Predator Free Pauanui Lakes Resort and Duck Creek Facebook Page -


Residents love living at the Lakes because of the environment here. It is a beautiful and tranquil setting overlooking the Pauanui Lakes Golf Course, surrounded by the green of forestry, with waterways and lakes throughout. The residential area itself is a beautiful landscaped area. 

In July 2021, the PLRRA Lakes Committee resolved to address conservation issues with the development of a draft strategy for the Association’s land area. In establishing the process for this project, it became apparent that it is important to consider conservation and landcare together. Pest flora and fauna affects both, and is the key primary factor in any conservation work for native wildlife and habitat. In 2022, a Conservation Strategy for the PLRRA area was adopted at the AGM. The Strategy identifies a vision and three main areas (pillars) of focus. Goals for each pillar describe what is hoped to be achieved, along with its strategies and actions. This first year following the adoption of the Strategy can be regarded as a foundation year for “getting the PLRRA house in order”: establishing the strategy; and the organisation and co- odination of existing conservation activities, funding and expenditure. It creates the PLRRA Conservation sub committee, and the Lakes Catchment Area Working Group with adjoining landowners.

PLRRA Conservation Strategy

An Environment Update Newsletter has been established to communicate with members and residents on Conservation and Landcare at the Lakes. Copies of this newsletter are available at the bottom of this page. 

Get involved - from little things big things grow…. Conservation at the Lakes has come a long way since its development. It is an exciting time to see what changes and new wildlife will call the Lakes their home next. The benefits of living close to nature are well documented. This, combined with the highest rate of global species extinction ever recorded are factors that contribute to making living at the Lakes even more special. Every action we take no matter how small, can make a difference.

So, welcome to the the Lakes Residents Association Conservation and Landcare webpage. For more information on the Conservation Strategy, information in the Newsletters or to get involved, please contact