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Living | Coromandel Holiday Homes by Lakes Resort

Learn more about Lakes Resort Pauanui, exquisite Coromandel holiday homes, apartments and rental accommodation.


Off an unremarkable road in the remarkably stunning Coromandel, your dream home and lifestyle are waiting.

You’d have no idea Lakes Resort was here – but once you see it, you’ll never want to leave.

It’s a lifestyle of leisure – with tennis courts, open and lap swimming pools, golf course and  gym

It’s also a lifestyle of luxury – featuring modern living and attractive architecture, which complements the surrounding natural wetlands, lakes and golf course.

Lakes Resort is just two hours’ drive from Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga, and a short trip from picturesque Pauanui – packed with shops and cafés, and ringed with white sand and surf. There’s also a community centre, a library and even an airfield for those who prefer flying. But at any moment, you’re just moments away from the peace and privacy of home.

Join the Lakes Resort community, and enjoy reflecting on your success with other discerning members and residents.

The market has never been better, the setting more superb, or the moment more perfect.