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Amongst the best holiday homes Pauanui has to offer, Lakes Resort features golf, tennis, pool, gym and restaurant facilities.


Despite being the ultimate setting for stillness and solitude, there’s no end of activities for residents and visitors at Lakes Resort!

Enjoy a round of golf in the sun, hit the pool for laps or lounging, or lose track of time on the wetland boardwalk. 


Golf Course

Lakes Resort Golf Course features 18 holes of golf plus a driving range, Nestled amongst rugged ranges and gorgeous native wetlands, the course’s stunning backdrop makes for a truly unique golfing experience. 

For more information about the course including maps and pricing, visit the Lakes Resort Golf website.

Lakes Resort Pro Golf Store

Featuring fashionable golfing apparel, top brand gear, luxury accessories and the latest in golfing technology, the Lakes Resort Pro Golf Store caters for golfers of all levels.

With experienced,professional staff on hand,available seven days a week for all your coaching requirements,you'll have everything you need to get to the top of your game. For more information about the course and pricing,call the Resident Pro. Jared Pender 07 864 9999.



Tennis Courts

 Lakes Resort’s three spacious tennis courts are perfect for players of all abilities. Grab your gear, pair up with a partner and start working up a sweat!


Recreation Centre and Pools

Lakes Resort’s  recreation centre features a fully equipped gym with multiple machines and weight sets, table tennis, a covered lap pool and a large luxurious leisure pool. Whether you're looking for an endorphin rush, friendly competition or poolside peace, there’s something for you to enjoy.


Nature Sanctuary

As an established nature reserve surrounded by wetlands and bush, Lakes Resort plays host to over 18 species of native birdlife. There’s always something new to see on a stroll around the boardwalk – from curious tuis and fantails through to magnificent paradise ducks and endangered dotterels.

For more click on the the link NATURE SANCTUARY in the main navigation.

Please note that there are no pets permitted at Lakes Resort due to our protected Nature Sanctuary status.



Lakes Clubhouse & Bar has been expertly designed to both complement the landscape and show off the scenery with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Enjoy fine views and fine company.